Gnothing Wrong With Gnarled


This morning when I got up I felt out of sorts.  I felt old and gnarled and cranky.   I have found that when I’m in that type of mood, it’s likely that I’m out of tune with the Spirit.  One cure for that is to get out into nature and admire His Creation. So grabbing Devoted Spouse and my trusty Nikon, I jumped into the Subaru and headed down the closest country road.

We came upon a fairly deserted lake/campground.  I parked the car and headed off into the woods.  Along the path, I found this old tree with its roots coming up out of the ground. What a beauty!  Even with its twisted limbs, lumps and bumps, it was still standing proud.   I think that was God’s way of showing me it’s okay to feel or even be a bit gnarled. Just keep standing and keep sending out roots and all will be well.

Thanks, Abba.